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Better to think of \(P\) and \(O\) as denoting properties of their input The technical term for these is predicates and when we study them in logic, we need to use predicate logic It is important to stress that predicate logic extends propositional logic (much in the way quantum mechanics extends classical mechanics)O oxy ge n 8 15 9994 Ne neon 10 180 Ar argon 18 39 948 F e iron 26 55 845 Ni nic kel 28 58 693 Cu copp er 29 63 546 Au gold 79 196 97 U ur aniu m 92 Mass n u m b ers ar e atomic mas ses in u nits of ÒuÓ where 1 u = " 10" 27 kg, or, molar mass es for the elem en t (1 m ole = 602 " 10 23 atoms ), meas u red in gr am sGet the top C&Q abbreviation related to Engineering

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